
LGM Team conquer the mountains in aid of Compassion UK

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This was posted over a year ago, on 6 Nov 2017.

On Friday 3rd November the LGM team successfully hiked the Surrey 3 peaks in aid of Compassion UK.

As part of our new company Social Policy the LGM team have committed to undertake 2 charity fundraising activities a year. These activities can take any shape and for this event we walked the Surrey 3 Peaks.

3 Peak Finishers Photo!

3 Peak Finishers Photo!

On a beautiful crisp November afternoon we started our hike with the short sharp route up Box Hill which certainly got the heart rate going!

We were aware of time pressure to get up the three peaks before dusk so did a quick stomp across Dorking to get to Leith Hill. The largest hill of the three was certainly a mountain to climb given the gradually increasing gradient but we made it to the top 2:30 hours after setting out.

From there it was a quick scramble down the hill and up the other side of the valley to reach the peak of Holmbury Hill just as the sun set.

We celebrated with a pint at the local pub and a successful hike of 19.5 km in 4 hours 8 minutes, ascending a total of 663 m. A great job from the whole team.

Total Elevation

Total elevation climbed of 663m

We did this challenge in aid of Compassion UK. Compassion UK is a fantastic charity that gives children the opportunity to escape poverty and live life to the full.

From our hike the money raised will be going to support a Compassion dental treatment and education programme for 338 children who attend the Nova Esperança Compassion Project, Teresina, Brazil. This initiative includes screening and treatment of the children to identify any issues to fix and education of the children and caregivers to ensure good healthy habits.

If you would like to sponsor us, please visit:

Compassion UK

This news story was posted on 6 Nov 2017.

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